The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) regulates builder’s licences in Victoria. In order to qualify for a builder’s licence in VIC, you must be able to show acquired qualifications and practical experience. Registered building practitioners must be licensed by the VBA to perform the following types of work:
The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) offers an option for building practitioners to register under a specific licence class:
Domestic Builder – Unlimited (DB-U) – The registered builder may carry out the domestic work in their own capacity, or hire subcontractors to perform the work. Domestic Builder – Manager (DB-M) – The licence holder may not perform any unsupervised building work, but may work under the supervision of a registered practitioner, or may hire registered practitioners to do the work. Domestic Builder – Limited (DB-L) – The licenced building practitioner may arrange, manage or perform building work as authorised by the Victorian Building Practitioners Board.
In order to become a Victoria-based registered building practitioner, you must first obtain one of the following:
The VBA may consider other qualifications as equivalent to the above, or consider it a part of a full assessment of your skills and experience. Consult Building Regulations 2–6 (Schedule 7) for more information and to see whether your qualification will suffice.
Follow these three simple steps to apply for a builders license in Victoria.
If you are interested and would like more information, or need to make an enquiry regarding other services, such as trades licensing, please contact a member of our helpful staff today.
Fill out this form and we will contact you.
The links below will let you know which qualification you will need to get your licence. Alternatively, fill out the GET IN TOUCH form or
call 1300 535 922 and one of our specialists will help you get qualified
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